If you missed our live chat featuring Colin, Dale and Katie from Admissions, or just want a refresher on everything they covered, you're in luck. Here, you can watch the recorded chat and get our answers to your most frequently asked admissions questions (plus one or two just for fun).
Q: Is Siena test optional?
A: Yes, Siena is test optional for most students. Listen to our detailed responses here and again at 4:50 in the video. Then, read more about the test-optional policy in this post.

Q: When is the fast forward deadline?
A: The fast forward deadline is November 15. (Hear this at 11:30.) Remember, the fast forward application is free, non-binding and doesn't keep you waiting. You'll get your admissions decision in seven to ten business days.
Q: What merit scholarships do you award and what are the requirements?
A: Students are automatically considered for our three merit-based scholarships (the presidential scholarship for $15,000-$20,000, the franciscan scholarship for $13,000 and the mission scholarship for $10,000) at the time of admission, and if awarded, will be notified in their acceptance packet. Scholarships are based on GPA, the caliber of classes taken and overall performance. (More on this at 8:00.)
Q: What credits can I transfer into Siena?
A: Hear our answer at 25:25. In short, Siena will accept Advanced Placement (AP) scores of 4 or higher. Additionally, college credits can be transferred from 3-credit courses earning a C or better.
Q: Is there an honors program on campus?
A: Yes, Siena has a college-wide honors program. Students who are considered presidential scholars are eligible to participate in the honors program and will receive notification of their acceptance into the program by April. Get more details here.
Q: How tall is Dale?
A: Dale is 6'9". He played on Siena's D1 basketball team when he was a student. Want to know more about him? Check out his profile.
Q: What does the admissions office want to see in an essay?
A: Ultimately, we want you to tell your story. Use your essay to tell us where have you been, what you want to do and where you want to go. Hear more on this starting at 29:39, or get our best essay tips.
Q: What is campus life like?
A: Eighty-one percent of our students live on campus for all four years, and many choose to stay on campus each weekend. From musical performances to comedy shows to sporting events, there's no shortage of activities to keep you involved. We talk more about campus life at 53:15.
Q: What courses can students take to help decide on a major?
A: Listen in here. At Siena, students don't have to declare a major until the end of sophomore year. In fact, we refer to our undecided students as "exploring." Exploring science, exploring business or exploring liberal arts—and discovering their passion in the process.
Katie, Colin and Dale also summed up what makes Siena College stand out in three words. Find out what they were at 46:35. Then, register for the next live chat: Financial Aid on December 8!