With a case of senioritis and a college acceptance under your belt, you’re probably feeling less than your most productive self. But to completely disengage during the homestretch of your high school career isn’t good for you or your grades. (Remember: the admissions office will see a final copy of your transcripts once you graduate.) So, the next time you’ve hit that mental roadblock—or find yourself reliving 2012 through your Facebook archives—try these tools to help you get back on track.
Keep Me Out. If mindlessly scrolling through Facebook or refreshing your Twitter feed every minute instead of completing the task at hand sounds like you, you're not alone. Try Keep Me Out, which allows you to list the site (or sites) you need to stay away from. Keep Me Out will then track your use on those sites and warn you if you use them more than once in the time period you choose.

Get Work Done Music. Are you the type of student that works best when music is playing, but can't seem to stop yourself from shuffling through the songs in your iTunes library? Start getting your work done with this music playing in the background, which you can choose to play fast or faster based on your preference. If one song in particular really has you feeling energized, you can play it again for optimal productivity.
Thought Questions. Maybe you need a prompt for your writing, or just an idea that pulls you out of social media and back to academics. Visit Thought Questions, a simple site that asks over 1,000 stimulating questions that will have you feeling like Plato in no time. (Be careful not to scroll too far! Pick the first question that provokes you and get back to work.)
Tomato Timer. Using the Pomodoro Technique developed in the late 1980s, the Tomato Timer keeps track of time spent on work (usually in 25-minute intervals), then gives you a five or ten-minute break. Does taking a break feel counterproductive to you? Rest assured, studies show that the most productive employees are those that take frequent breaks throughout the day.
Do Nothing For Two Minutes. So you're taking breaks, but end up feeling sidetracked afterward? Do nothing for two minutes forces you to do just that—nothing! Sit back, relax and listen to the sound of the waves while you reboot your mind for another round of productivity. (Whatever you do, don’t touch the keyboard. For every attempt you make at clicking through the process, your two minutes will restart.) Try it...it’s actually pretty hard!
Once your assignments are complete, reward yourself with some valuable social media time—like joining Siena's Class of 2019 Facebook group. ;)