So you’ve picked out the school of your dreams and you’re determined to go. This college has everything you’re looking for: the programs you want, the campus setting that’s perfect, the philosophy of education that resonates most with you.
But your parents might have other ideas about where you should go to school. That’s OK, and totally normal. Here are a few common conflicts—and a few common solutions.
Their problem: It’s too far away.
Your solution: THE INTERNET.
Whether your school is two hours away or two connecting flights away, your parents are going to miss you. A lot. They want you to be close because they love you. Let them know you love them, too, and thanks to the magic of the Internet, you can talk (almost) as much as they want. Promise weekly video chats, regular texts and emails—whatever works for all of you. Assure them you’re not going to disappear. Maybe you won’t make it to Gramma’s dinner every Sunday, but you can occasionally FaceTime in to say hi.
Their problem: It’s too expensive.
Your solution: The lowest cost is not always the highest value.
It’s true, some schools are going to be pricier than others. But what are the advantages of the pricier school? Are their job-placement rates higher? Graduation rates? Does your school of choice offer access to internships, co-ops and other experience the less-expensive schools don’t? And if you are going to be taking on debt, what do you see as your plan for handling it after graduating? Have you explored all avenues to financial aid? Be comprehensive—that will show your parents you’re responsible, and that you’ve thought very seriously about what you’re spending your (and maybe some of their) money on.
Their problem: It’s not your mom’s (or dad’s) alma mater.
Your solution: You’re forging your own path
Mom or Dad might be disappointed you won’t be carrying the banner for their school, but you’re going to make them proud no matter where you go. Let them know it's their experiences at their school that are allowing you to have your experiences at yours. Without their success, you wouldn't have such an amazing chance at yours. And anyway, you’ll always root for their team (even if secretly you’ll also be rooting for yours).
Before you decide on a school, make sure you visit! By the way, have you visited Siena?