We know how much you love learning about colleges from admissions officers (right?!), but it’s definitely worth it to take any opportunity you can to hear from others at the schools you’re interested in. Students. Alumni. Even deans. They see all, know all and genuinely want prospective students to feel comfortable chatting with them. Plus, their perspectives can enlighten you on aspects of that school you didn’t even know to ask about, and ultimately, may help you put more ‘pros’ on the big list of where to apply. So! Now’s your chance to hear from our deans.
For each of our three schools, we’ve lined up live video chats this month that will feature a dean, a current student and a graduate of that school. And we invite you to register for one, two or all three. Here are the details:

October 7 @ 6 p.m.
Dr. Janet Shideler, School of Liberal Arts
October 15 @ 6 p.m.
Dr. Allan Weatherwax, School of Science
October 22 @ 6 p.m.
Dr. Chuck Seifert, School of Business
The chats will touch on what it means to be a liberal arts college, undergraduate research opportunities, the advantages of our Capital Region location, the benefit of a Siena degree in the workplace and why it’s okay to be undeclared. You’ll also be able to ask our deans your questions. This is your chance to learn more about Siena’s three schools and get up close and personal (digitally!) with those who know best why you should consider Siena College.
Register today, so you don’t miss this unique opportunity.