There's one question we get asked often that is both easy and difficult to answer: "What are the students like?" Easy, because Siena students really do have so many things in common. Difficult, because we've got a pretty diverse group of students here. That being said, we drew up a list of 50 very carefully chosen adjectives to describe Saints.
If a handful of these describe you, too, perhaps it's time you visit (if you haven't already). Here we go, in no particular order:
Curious, Goodhearted, Real, Intelligent, Quick-witted, Thankful, Honest, Helpful, Eager, Cooperative, Bright,
Concerned, Academic, Adventurous, Self-aware, Brave, Detailed, Loyal, Friendly, Creative, Fun, Wise,
Open-minded, Realistic, Spiritual, Reasonable, Decent, Intellectual, Grounded, Thoughtful, Modest, Healthy,
Trustworthy, Sensitive, Practical, Deliberate, Happy, Mature, Perceptive, Sincere, Principled, Spontaneous
Reflective, Patient, Talented, Reliable, Surprising, Laid-back, Giving, Resilient
Why would we say Siena students are deliberate? What are we concerned about? What makes us so honest? You'll just have to ask us. We're happy to elaborate. (Add "proud" to that list...)